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Estimate Request Form

If you fill the below box and click the requesting estimate, we will forward within 3 days after the receipt.

Screen Changer Product Name Screen Changer
Model No HWES-43P
Type Handling Hinge Bolting
Heater Capacity Brass 7 Kw
Working Pressure 130 Kgf/㎠
Hy’d Tank Capa 30 ℓ (High Pre's)
Include Item 1. Thermocouple : 3 PCS
2. Breaker Plate : 2 EA
3. Sealing Plate : 4 EA
4. Piping : Not Included
The standard manufacturing period 60Days / SET (Being flexible depending on an ordering date.)
Delivery Condition Alighting at the designated place in your factory
Q’ty (Machine) SET
Common Matters □ Power Source : 440V * 3P * 60(50)Hz
□ Control Panel : Open, Close, Emergency Button Switch type
□ When main operate & local panel are interlocked, separate construction is required
Separate Request Item
Attaching File
(Picture, Data)

The document contains copyrights as well as our company's significant technology information . It is, hereat, legally and strictly prohibited to copy or show and distribute to a third party by 'Screen Scan' or other methods. Hyunwoo Machine Co., Ltd Tel: +82-62-954-4369